修正:商品値上げのお知らせ 4月1日~

Correction: Price change notice

The prices of the following four products will also be revised.
Innocent Coffee Decaf
Light and dark roast Colombian 500g
Light and dark roast Ethiopia 500g
5800 yen ⇒ 6750 yen

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage.
The coronavirus has caused damage to many businesses, with the coffee industry and coffee-producing regions also taking a major hit.
The price hikes, especially for low-priced beans, have been so significant that they are impossible to absorb.
Furthermore, with rising prices of materials, processing fees, and freight, it is unclear how much prices will rise.
Therefore, although it is unfortunate, we have decided to increase the prices of some of our products.
Please refer to the list for products subject to price changes from April 1 , 2022 .
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused.
February 10 , 2022
Yuko Nirei, CEO of UnCafeSucre Co., Ltd.