About the color of DECAF roasted beans

About the roast and color of innocent coffee decaf
About the color
Our decaffeinated coffee is made using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction in Japan to extract the caffeine.
This method involves bringing carbon dioxide into a critical state (a state in which it has both gas and liquid components) and increasing the pressure and temperature so that the carbon dioxide selectively extracts the caffeine.
This process destroys the original structure of the coffee beans, making them more susceptible to release of the ingredients. (There is no problem with the quality.) This causes the color of the raw beans to change from white to brown compared to before the decaffeinated process. The raw beans are brown in color.
About Roasting
Our company has been researching decaffeinated coffee for the past 20 years, and we are constantly researching how to create delicious decaffeinated coffee, from roasting to extraction.
When it comes to caffeinated coffee beans, the color of the coffee beans and the degree of roasting are often a general barometer of taste (although color and taste are not necessarily the same depending on the roasting method), but when it comes to decaffeinated coffee beans, they start out brown and cannot be judged by color alone.
We roast the coffee while checking the temperature profile to see the moisture content and the timing of the cracks.
If you stop roasting just based on the color, you will end up with a light roast that is undercooked.
We roast light, medium and dark beans to provide our customers with a taste that is as close as possible to that of beans before the decaffeinaton.
About oily shine
Decaffeinated beans have their structure destroyed, making it easier for sugar and oil to come out onto the surface. To prevent this, we are conducting research into the decaffeinated and roasting processes.
Domestically processed decaffeinated coffee is still evolving day by day, so we are working hard to provide our customers with even more delicious decaffeinated coffee.
*The caffeine extracted overseas has the same color and bean condition. It is not processed domestically.
January 18, 2021
UnCafeSucre Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Yuko Nirei