新ブランド 軽井沢焙煎所ORGANIC COFFEEのお知らせ

April 2023: New brand "Karuizawa Roastery ORGANIC COFFEE" launched

We want to protect the earth, people, and future of coffee through organic farming, fair trade, and small things!

Will we be able to drink the delicious coffee we enjoy now forever?
There are many unseen issues surrounding coffee and farms. If we turn a blind eye to them, we won't be able to leave them for the future. What we can do is very small.
But if you do nothing, nothing will happen.
Let's start with what we can do now.

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【Product line-up】
・Rwanda Mikoff ・Peru Cochapampa ・East Timor Kocamau ・Domestically processed decaffeinated blend

・Coffee beans & powder: 100g, 200g, 500g, 2.5kg, 5kg
・Drip bag (3 pieces) ・Coffee powder (sweets coffee) 20g and commercial use

Click here to purchase the product