SUCRE BLEND Water quick flow moon DECAF
Water quick, no moon flow / Water quick, no moon flow (decaf)
It means that we should live our lives without being swayed by the world, like the moon, which moves majestically no matter how fast the current. This decaf coffee expresses the importance of not letting your heart be swayed by the common sense and trends of those around you, and of holding tight to your true self.
Experience the true power of decaf.
[Roast] Medium-light roast, city
Blend: Colombia, Ethiopia
When talking about coffee, it can only be expressed in terms of taste, aroma, brand and quality. We want to provide coffee that suits the situation in which you drink coffee, whether it's for fun, when you want to be soothed, or when you want to relax, so we have incorporated Zen expressions to describe the taste of each situation.