
"Is the taste of coffee you think is correct?" "What kind of water goes well with coffee?" "Why does the taste differ depending on the region?" "When I brew it at home, it becomes bitter and astringent."

Do you have such concerns? Soft water, hard water, mineral water, purified water. Stored water tastes better. Water without chlorine is better for your body, so we ask that stores always use purified water.

However, using the ``Zero Impurity Water Made with the Zero Pitcher'' raised many questions.

"Measure the water with the included TDS meter."

Karuizawa water is 130 ppm, Tokyo water is 60 ppm, Osaka water is 80 ppm, Minerals water is 30 ppm, and water from a 50-year-old building is 120 ppm.

This was the weight of impurities contained in one liter.

I felt that the water from Tokyo had a sweeter taste and a gentle acidity, while the water from Karuizawa had a stronger body flavor.

What are impurities?

Water contains various minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, calcium hypochlorite, which is called chlorine, and bacteria. In addition, old water pipes can also contain iron, which can be detected as a taste.

That's right. We can see that the amount of impurities and minerals varies depending on the conditions and region.

"Does the amount of minerals affect the taste of coffee?"

When minerals combine with coffee, they can create delicious flavors such as bitterness, richness, and acidity, or they can cause astringency and unpleasant acidity.

What is the true taste of coffee beans?

In fact, we ran into this problem. If the taste changes depending on the water, what is the real taste? That's where our research began. We checked the taste with various types of water and gradually came to understand how it would affect the taste.

"Doesn't coffee made with zero water only bring out the flavor of the coffee beans?"

Does zero impurities mean that we can bring out 100% of the coffee's flavor? Was our understanding of the taste of these beans correct? Is it wrong to talk about the taste of these beans without knowing their true flavor?

As a coffee bean store, we use the ZERO pitcher to really focus on the taste, and we learned the importance of the taste of coffee brewed with zero water.

"What does coffee made with zero water taste like? Is it delicious?"

To be honest, I was quite confused because the taste was different from what I was used to.
Because at first bite, I felt a huge difference.
The taste created by different water can vary greatly at first sip, and tends to produce flavors that are easily detected by the palate, such as strong bitterness or sourness.
Zero water has a mellow and gentle taste at first, and by the second and third sip you can really taste the original flavor of the beans. When the temperature drops to around 40°C, you can really taste the original flavor of the specialty coffee.

What I consistently feel is a clean cup when it's warm, when it's slightly cooled, and when it's cold. A long aftertaste, a clean aftertaste, and beautiful acidity.

As you can see from the explanation so far, I feel that this coffee is also suitable for specialty coffee.

"Is my water okay?"

This is just one example, but the water in my house is purified, but I thought it was fine.
However, the water pipes, which were 50 years old, had an iron smell.
The moment you drink it, it tastes bitter. It always has a bad taste in the back of your throat. And an unpleasant sourness. It's not exactly fruity.
Tap water is 120 ppm, purified water is 80 ppm.
Hmm? I thought the water must have been purified!! The substances that are said to be bad for the body had been removed, but I noticed that other ingredients were still present. When I tasted it, it did indeed taste like iron!!

I can't make good coffee with the water at home.
The water pipes are old and worn out. The coffee brewed at the shop tastes strange.

If you have such concerns, please give it a try.

We use zero water at our Sumida and Karuizawa stores. Please come and try the difference.
We sell samples of the water in our store.

You can purchase the product here.